Abstract:With the process of consumption of globalizationand the gradual implementation of the policy of opening up China's retail industry, the foreign retails distributed in the country quickly to strengthen its localization operations in China. From the expansion of the scale and rate of expansion, the expansion of KFC, McDonald's, HaagenDazs, Starbucks and other multinational food and beverage companies is the most typical. In this paper, the multinational food brands Starbucks is been selected as the research object, the article explores it's spatial distribution and location selection factors. Under the local scale, 76 Starbucks stores in Guangzhou are selected as the research object, and by means of the nearest neighbor analysis tools, Ripley's K function, standard deviation ellipse analysis method based on the nearest hot spot analysis, hierarchical clustering and buffer analysis, the paper discusses the spatial distribution, spatial distribution patterns in different observation scales, the spatial distribution of direction, spatial distribution hotspots, and the mechanism of the spatial distribution of Starbucks. Theresults show that:1) the spatial distribution pattern showed aggregated and zonal distribution patterns; 2) Starbucks in Guangzhou exhibit northeast-southwest direction characteristics; 3) Starbucks in Guangzhou show ring structure on the spatial distribution density, and its density progressively decreasing from insiders to outsiders; 4) the factors of the internal transportation hub, Trade Areas, as well as the level of urban land significantly affect the spatial distribution of Starbucks stores.
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王文娟.中国主题公园空间分布与优化研究——基于国家A级旅游区(点)的统计[D].芜湖:安徽师范大学,2010:25-26.[Wang Wenjuan. Study on the Distribution and Optimization of the Chinese Theme Park Based on National A-level Tourist Areas (Spots) Statistics[D]. Wuhu:Anhui Normal University, 2010:25-26.]